Welcome to TOA SHOP, where each creation tells a story.

Here you will find products with unique designs impregnated with authenticity and meaning, sharing my Andean roots and my passion for travel.

Opting for on-demand manufacturing (print-on-demand), I am committed to an ethical and sustainable approach. 

En soutenant TOA SHOP, vous soutenez une petite entreprise à taille humaine, engagée pour un changement positif. I have decided to make a catalog of a selection of limited and quality products. 

Join us in this inspiring and changing universe.  

  • Bags

    The large and medium Tote bags are for putting all your things for the day or night, they are the favorite products in the catalog.

  • The idea notebooks

    The ideas and thoughts notebooks are for writing all your inspirations for your projects, your trips, or your daily notes.

  • Stickers

    Stickers are perfect to be stuck on a computer or other object that you want to stylize.

  • Custom Yoga mat featuring illustrations by Lise Toa, available through print on demand. Each bag is unique, showcasing art, illustrations, and drawings

    yoga mats

    The yoga tapis have a touch that you will not find anywhere else, the design is exclusive. The body and movement are completely part of life, I think it is excellent to propose it in the catalog.

  • Sea bikinis

    Bikinis are a nod of love for the oceans, the rivers, the waters of the world and our bodies.

  • Converse models

    For men and women, they are ultra colorful and our feet need to be seen. They are our support on this earth and allow us to visit all the corners of the world that inspire us.

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